Windows Vista Or Windows XP? just an opinion...

My wife has a notebook, an Acer TravelMate 6291 bought a couple of years ago with a Windows Vista integrated. She used to complain since the first minute about the slow startup of Vista and the problems that she faced by using some programs like OpenOffice, nothing  heavy at all.... Well, after a year and a half I decided that I had enough and I changed the operating system to XP, with a tutorial it was pretty easy!
The startup in XP is much faster, before it took 3 or 4 minutes, now 45 seconds and I installed allready everything as it was in Vista... Of course things are not cute as before, no effects, no more the movie maker of vista (maybe the nly good thing in that version of windows), but everything is much faster, even play some flash games became much smoother than before, now everybody is happy!
Which is the meaning of this post? well, there is not, I just wanted to complain about vista and its not clever development, XP is old, raw, old fashioned and ugly but at least is quicker and easier... I even tried the trial version of wndows 7    ( I will tell you my opinions later...). but I still think that most of people will still use XP for a long time, I am pretty sure that the newest version of windows wont be able to dethrone an opeerating system that was created almost 10 years ago....unbelievable  but true... People, don't change the old for the new....

Game... Over!