Ridge Racer (Playstation) - Review, Download, Cheats, Gameplay

It' s amazing to play again to a game that made history, it took me back in 1996 when I bought my PSX, for the first period I had only some demos and the demo of this game used to run in the console for about 5 hours per day, just one track... boring? well, not at that time! It was something amazing.
Some years later I bought the platinum edition, I was playing with games like TOCA and Gran Turismo but Ridge Racer was always one of the most played, maybe it was old and passed but still charming and meaningful game.
Now after many years and many generations passed I play again at this game..... what I think?... Let's see....


1995, Namco, Racing Arcade
As I said this game is the history of racing games, everything started from here, from the 3d menus till the details on the track, I have to admit that even if 15 years passed and even if many console's generations passed too but this game is still playable and charming. Only 1 track that change shape with the different difficult level ok but there are many amazing details like the fact that the other cars on the tracks are tough and not static, a bit improvement from the other game available in that moment.
Namco did something great, even if later they could not beat the other games of this genre. I love Ridge Racer and I think everybody should play this and respect it as a piece of History.


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No cheats available for this game but just some Hints

Move the Title Screen Flag
On the title screen, hold any two of the four shoulder buttons (L1, L2, R1, or R2), and use the other controls to change the flag. Use the D-Pad, Circle, and Square buttons to rotate, Triangle and X to zoom, and Start to make it see-through.

Race Mirrored Tracks
After starting a race accelerate forward and then turn around and face the starting line. There should be a wall there. Accelerate to over 60mph and go through the wall. You will now race the mirror of that track. The turns will be opposite and the lettering will be flipped.

Listen to Music
This is able to be done on quite a few different Playstation games. All you need to do is pause the game and then put in your own music CD, then when you unpause the game, you should listen to that music for the rest of the race.




Ridge Racer in Wikipedia

Game Over