Chankast Guide, SEGA Dreamcast Emulator

I never had a Sega Dreamcast even if I always wanted to, but I was young, few money and those few money was all for my dear PSX.... Well, now I can play with this unlucky console, I remember that there was many good games with an amazing graphic, I used to play to Virtua Soccer 2 and Virtua Tennis 2 in the penny arcade, that's so cool to can play those game on my pc after so many years! things are not perfect, every game have some graphic problems, but still playable... The Installation is not difficult, lets see...

- You will need to install 2 software to play with Chankast, one is of course the last version of Chankast (HERE) and if you want to play Image files from your Computer you will need Daemon Tools too (HERE), so if you want to play directly with your CD skip part 1, if you want to play with image files start with me now...

1) - Daemon-Tools, after you download and install the software you will have to restart your pc, then on your System Tray you will see the icon of Virtual DAEMON Manager, what you have to do now is to right Click on that Icon, go to VIRTUAL CD/DVD ROM > SET NUMBER OF DEVICES and Choose 1 DRIVE. you finish it... very easy!

HOW TO MOUNT AN IMAGE ON DAEMO TOOLS? easy.. go to the icon on your System Tray Left click on the icon of Daemon Tools and click on your device, a menu to choose the image to load will be opened, then just choose the image of the game that you want to play and click on open, you are ready to play!. to Unmount an image just click on the daemon tools icon on your system tray and choose UNMOUNT DRIVERS.

2)- Chankast: already downloaded and unzipped Chankast? good, now you should download the bios files ( dc_flash and dc_bios) and place both of them in the folder of Chankast that you just unzipped. Now from Chankast folder open Chankast, you will have just to set a couple of things:

- First thing, go to PLUGINS and click on CONFIGURE, first the CD-ROM PLUGIN, there are 2 choices, I don't use it so I choose CDrom Interface xxx, but if you use the CD-ROM is better the CDrom Interface Aspi, For the Input Plug in choose the ElSemi one.... things should look like this

Press ok. Now, if everything should be good.
- Now we shall configure the drive.... OPTIONS > CONFIGURE DRIVE if you use the CD use your Cd rom drive, if you use Daemon tools use the drive letter that you created before by installing Daemon Tools.

- Let's set the Controller! OPTIONS > CONFIGURE CONTROLS, if this window will appear everything is ok...

.. If not come back to change your input plugin. Now set the controller as you prefere.

-Set the video is not easy, every game need different configurations, OPTIONS > CONFIGURE VIDEO here you find everything you need to change if a game is not good. First of all in VIDEO MODE you can change the size of the screen, ZWRITE and ALPHATEST ZWRITE help those games that have problems with the written menus, I always keep SHOW STATS.
You can Choose the cable ntsc or pal from OPTIONS > CABLE TYPE.
If you want to play to  CAPCOM games go to OPTIONS and choose the CAPCOM HACK, sometimes this help some other games too!

- MEMORY CARD: you will notice that every time that you launch a game it says that there is no free space on the memory card, you just go to the menu of Dreamcast and format the memory card, things will be ok!

Now you are ready to play. Mount the image of the game you want to play on Daemon Tools and after that on Chankast window go to  RUN and click on START, if you cannot play it means that your CPU is not enough strong to run Chankast, you need a decent computer with a decent video card.

Here I post some links, very useful!
The Guide that i used to install Chankast
Chankast F.A.Q.
List of compatible games
DOWNLOAD games from EmuParadise

Game Over